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Montessori Preschool

There is nothing in the intellect which was not first in some way in the senses.

Maria Montessori

The Montessori


Montessori Preschool

Małymi Kroczkami

We are a non-public preschool with a curriculum based on the internationally recognised Montessori Method, taking into account contemporary educational methods.The Montessori Method provides children with the opportunity to develop in a comprehensive way. The Method nurtures the spontaneity and creativity of the child, helping develop his or her own individual personality. This is because children acquire knowledge and practical skills through action.

Each child has his or her own development model. We seek to understand it in order to provide individualised support throughout the period that is of critical importance to shaping personal development.

Our preschool

Our preschoo is overseen by the Malopolska Regional Educational Authority and the City of Krakow. This guarantees that our activities and curriculum are fully compliant with the requirements of Polish educational law.

Rytm dziecka

Dostosowujemy się do indywidualnego rytmu dziecka

Wspomagamy i wspieramy

Wspomagamy dzieci w rozwijaniu uzdolnień oraz wspieramy dzieci z trudnościami

Poznawania świata

Budujemy przestrzeń do poznawania świata przez wielozmysłowe doświadczenia i eksperymenty

Indywidualny rozwoj

Organizujemy otoczenie w ten sposób, aby stanowiło wsparcie dla indywidualnego rozwoju dziecka oraz stymulowało aktywność dziecka w zdobywaniu wiedzy i doskonaleniu umiejętności

Montessori Preschool

Our staff

Our preschool offers high quality education based on acclaimed Montessori teaching aids and materials. Our preschool stands out thanks to our staff – highly qualified professionals who are passionate about their job and have long-standing experience with Montessori education. Our headmistress and teachers have university degrees in preschool and early childhood education. They are also graduates of certified Montessori pedagogical courses.

We provide children with specialist care and offer professional support to children with developmental problems thanks to cooperation with experienced and recognised therapists.

Małymi Kroczkami

Our staff


Contact us

Przedszkole Montessori Małymi Kroczkami


+48 609 370 629

ul. Klemensa Janickiego 1a lok. U4, Kraków
Bank account number

98 1090 2590 0000 0001 2199 7364